Showing posts with label asx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asx. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

list of radio streams that work on your iPhone with ooTunes

I spent a bit of time today exporting and making searchable the list of radio stations that I've confirmed to work on iphone and ipod touch via ooTunes.  This is (of course) an ever growing list, which I've built mostly by requests from folks who are wondering how to listen to streaming radio on their iphone, usually with a favorite station or two.  There are some great programs out there for streaming certain streams (AOL radio, Tuner,, etc.) but to my knowledge, ooTunes is the only one that allows windows media streams (.asf, .asx, .wmv, .wma, mms, etc.) to be streamed to iPhone.  So, without any further ado, check out the new searchable station list (I'll try to update it every few days), and as always, if you want to know if your favorite NPR station or specialty stream works, drop us a note and we'll look into it!